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  作者:     日期:2023-11-16   点击数:  



靳开颜为消防工程系2019级硕士,于2022年6月取得硕士学位,被评为四川省优秀毕业生。硕士期间,在张玉春教授及弓亮副教授指导下,针对高压氢气泄漏自燃机理开展了数值模拟和实验研究工作,研究成果发表于Combustion and Flame,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Journal of Energy Storage,Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,Safety Science等国际期刊。主要研究成果包括:

[1]Kaiyan Jin, Liang Gong*, Xianwen Zheng, Yifei Han, Qiangling Duan, Yuchun Zhang, Jinhua Sun*. A visualization investigation on the characteristic and mechanism of spontaneous ignition condition of high-pressure hydrogen during its sudden release into a tube. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48(32):32169-32178.

[2]Kaiyan Jin, Shengnan Yang, Liang Gong*, Tianyu Mo, Yunji Gao, Yuchun Zhang. Mechanism of spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen during its release through a tube with local contraction: A numerical study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(9): 6421-6436.

[3]Kaiyan Jin, Shengnan Yang, Liang Gong*, Yifei Han, Xiaolong Yang, Yunji Gao, Yuchun Zhang. Numerical study on the spontaneous ignition of pressurized hydrogen during its sudden release into the tube with varying lengths and diameters. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2021, 72: 104592.

[4]Liang Gong*, Kaiyan Jin, Tianyu Mo, Xianwen Zheng, Yongzheng Yao, Yuchun Zhang*. Numerical investigation on the shock wave propagation, hydrogen/air mixing and spontaneous ignition induced by high-pressure hydrogen release inside the tubes with different shaped cross-sections. Combustion and Flame, 2023(252C): 112770.

[5]Liang Gong*, Kaiyan Jin, Xianwen Zheng, Yifei Han, Yongzheng Yao, Qiangling Duan, Yuchun Zhang, Jinhua Sun*. Effect of Al-made burst disk on the shock wave and the spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen during its sudden discharge. Journal of Energy Storage, 2023(72): 108371.

[6]Liang Gong*, Kaiyan Jin, Shengnan Yang, Zeyu Yang, Yunji Gao, Yuchun Zhang. Numerical study on the mechanism of spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen in the L-shaped tube. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(56): 32730-32742.

